(Scene opens with a group of teenage girls sitting in a living room, taking vodka shots, laughing and chatting)
S.G: (Looks round to all the girls) Who’s hard enough for more vodka shots then?
S.B: I would but we’ve run out.
L.M: (Disappointed) What? I’m not even tipsy yet.
H.B: (Stands up and smiles) It’s fine, I’ve got tequila in my bag. I will make up some tequila shots.
(The rest of the girls watch H.B leave then turn to each other)
H.W: So what are you guys doing tomorrow?
L.M: Dunno. I’ve got loads of coursework to catch up on.
Everyone: (at different times and nodding) same!
S.B: I was hoping to be recovering from tonight, but it looks like this could be quite boring seeing as we’ve already run out of vodka. (Rests head on hand)
S.G: (angrily) Hey! I am here you know. (Turns to face the door and shouts) Hannah close the front door it’s freezing. (Turns back to the group)
(Slight pause of silence)
L.M: (looks at the floor) Sarah does have a point though.
S.B: (raises hand in acknowledgement) Thank you!
H.W: (Glances at door) do you think Hannah’s ok?
S.G: (smirks) I’m sure she’s fine.
(Glass crash and screams from kitchen are heard)
S.B: (Rolls eyes and face palms) Fucking hell she can’t even make some simple shots without messing up.
(Struggling heard)
(Group run to kitchen to kitchen and see zombie 1 and2 eating the stomach of H.B)
L.M: (Screams) What the fuck is happening?
S.G: (Faces group and orders) Everyone upstairs now!
(All girls apart from H.B run upstairs and into Sev’s room)
(Sev pulls out items that could be used as weapons including a gun)
L.M: (Worried) Why have you got a gun in your room?
S.G: (Smirks) Because I’m prepared for anything.
S.G: Well (puffs cheeks) we can’t stay in here forever. (Reaches for the door handle) You lot stay by the door and I will turn the hallway light on.
H.W: (Widens eyes) What? On your own?
S.G: (faces H.W) Yes! It will be too crowded and dangerous if we all go together.
(S.G opens door and ducks into the bathroom, reaches her hand round the door frame, turns the light on and stands in the bathroom door way)
S.G: See it’s fine.
(S.G raises gun and shoots into darkness of empty bedroom and zombie 1 falls dead through the doorframe.
Everyone except S.G: (gasp at separate times)
H.W: (Shocked) Oh my god!
S.G: Rule 1. Always be aware.
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