Thursday, 8 March 2012

Questionnaire and result

Summary of film:

There are a group of teenagers in living room talking, eating, watching a scary film etc. They start doing vodka shots until, they run out of vodka. A girl says she has some tequila in her bag so will prepare some tequila shots in the kitchen. The group are just chatting away when they feel a cold breeze the main girl shouts to the girl in the kitchen to shut the door but there is no answer, suddenly, they hear glass smash and screaming. They all run to the kitchen to find two zombies eating the insides of their friend. Someone in the group screams, alerting the zombies, so they all run upstairs and lock themselves in the main girls bedroom. The main girl starts pulling out weapons from all around the room. She hands each member of the group a weapon. Main girl opens the door slowly, all the lights are off so she goes across the landing and hides just out of sight in the bathroom so she can reach round into the landing to turn the light on, and the others stay where they are. As she turns the light she shoots into the darkness of an empty room and a zombie falls on the floor dead. She says “rule 1 don’t hesitate to kill.”

Please circle as appropriate.

How old are you?

12-14                       15-17                    18-20                      21+

How many movies, on average, do you watch in a month?

0-1                            2-4                 5+

What movie genre do you prefer?

Horror             Comedy             Drama             Action           Documentary            War

Sci-fi                 Adventure           Musical             Crime/gangster            Western

Where do you prefer to see movies?

Cinema                      On T.V/ DVD                    On the computer



What is your favourite film?

What would you expect from an opening of a horror movie?

Would you be interested in watching the movie that is summarised above?

Yes                                  No                                Maybe
Questionnaire results.

After getting twenty, random people to fill out my questionnaire I found out these things:
·        In general, my main audience was aged 15-17.
·        In general, they watched between 2-4 movies a month.
·        The most watched genre was split between comedy and horror.
·        In general, they prefer to watch movies at the cinema for the atmosphere.
·        There were a lot of mixed responses with regards to their favourite movie, but, from those from the main age group who answered horror as their favourite genre, Zombieland was said more than once.
·        In general, people expected suspense, jumping and a feeling of dread in the opening of a horror film.
·        90% of the people I asked said they would be interested in watching the film I am going to produce.

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